Table of Contents:  “Lists and Recipes for Success”: Dealing with “The Role of Change” And “The Changes of Roles”, Featuring management as coaching and leading, not dictating and coercing, for goal setting/achieving, and overcoming adversity

"Where there is no vision, the people perish…."  --   Proverbs 29:18
We are what we repeatedly do."  --  Aristotle

Use this Appendix in conjunction with Appendices K and L.  The key to success in any venture, personal or professional, is to understand the role of change in society (change is the only constant), to accept the reality of change, and to thus follow the appropriate roles to achieve the goals.  In each case, action is required.  Each action is an act of leadership.  These are the key” lists" and "recipes" to explain to people how to best organize their actions one needs to take to achieve goals and why.  This selection is a guided array aimed at you.
What is Your GPA?    (Goals Per Action rating)
My experience with hundreds of clients in New York City in the 1980's, and my experience and research since then, led me to create, in 1997, what I consider to be the key question to ask any individual or organization seeking general or specific improvement for an individual or an organization or just seeking to meet a general purpose goal:  "What is your GPA: your "goals per action rating?”  In other words, are your actions supporting a goal that you have or is counter to or undermining of or sabotaging one or more goals?  Here are some of the ways to improve your gpa rating that are included in the full document, to keep you on course, so you have a better chance to achieve your goals:  
§      What is your GPA?  (Goals Per Action)
§      "To Do" Lists:  The "Road Maps" for Achieving Personal & Professional Leadership Success
§      Books of LISTS by Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman
§      Ben Franklin's LIST OF 13 for Achieving Personal and Professional Success
§      LIST of 17 Success Principles of Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone
§      5 LISTS for Goal Setting (Ziglar, Robins, Schuler, Daniels, Hill)
§      LIST of the Rungs on the Ladder of Social Mobility for Success
§      Personal Lists to Make
§      List for Daily/Weekly Action "To Do's" and Review of (The #1 List of Lists)
§      List(s) for "Self Talk" and “Learned Optimism”
§      List reference for Criteria for "calculus of meaning" and "calculus of pain"
§      List of 17 strategies for controlling anger
§      LISTS recommended by Mary Pipher, author of Rescuing Ophelia:  Saving The Lives of Adolescent Girls
§      Additional Books With LISTS from which you can customize your lists
§      LIST for Personal Time Management and Cooperative Team Building
§      LIST of Considerations Regarding Leadership
Always ask:  am I meeting the five criteria of effective mediation and conflict resolution:     (1) include representatives of all stake holder groups; (2) establish common goals and common ground on which to stand; (3) conduct collaboration in which all is negotiable, (4) evaluate actions and results using the “calculus of meaning” and the “calculus of pain; and (5) analyze self and others on the basis whether the negotiation/collaboration is based on arguments of merit or from an ideological framework (“historically specific conservatives” and “historically nonspecific conservatives”; see Appendix L).

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