18.  LIST of Project Evaluation Questions to Ask Raised by Tom Peters for WOW! Projects
1.  LIST of Significance Questions
(1)  Do they add value or enchantment to the WHS experience for members of the student body?
(2)  Do they matter? 
(3)  Will they make a difference? 
(4)  What legacy will they leave? 
(5)  Will they bring out the best in you? 
2.  LIST of what must be done questions
(1)  Build an ever widening support base for your projects among each other/student body/teachers/administration,
(2)  Execute it, and to then
(3)  Hand it off so you can move on to another one?
3.  List of What you can do questions
(1)  Keep it fun,
(2)  Take action instead of talking it death,
(3)  Keep selling it?
4.  List of specific evaluation questions to consider asking, after each project, evaluating them in writing: 
(1)  What did you learn from it? 
(2)  What skills were needed to make it happen successfully? 
(3)  What skills still need developing? 
(4)  What lessons can you leave for the next leadership group?